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New Student Information

QuickLaunch Username - Your username is U + Union ID.  If your Union ID is 123456, then your username is u123456.

QuickLaunch Password - Your initial password is UIU + last 6 of your SSN + ! - For example, UIU987654! - Don't forget the exclamation point at the end.

QuickLaunch Address -


QuickLaunch Setup


Simplified Username: Students and alumni will use their Union ID number prefaced with a “U” as in u123456.

If you are staff, faculty, or a contractor, your username is lastname first initial in most cases. Note that your password remains the same unless you choose to change it.

Click the link for instructions on setting up your QuickLaunch account recovery options.

QuickLaunch Setup Instructions

Instrucciones de Quicklaunch en Español

Contact the helpdesk if you need additional assistance. 513-487-1137|888-85-Union(86466) or